With a low tide, an absence of wind and the sun at its apex for the day conditions were ideal for snorkelling.
Today's sunshine and soft breezes made for beautiful kayaking conditions.
The water temperature is still quite pleasant at about 18 to 19 degrees Celsius.
Pausing at the "Butter Box for morning tea.
On the way back south Tony spotted a friend waving.
Pehaps in a clever ploy to mimic a shark's fin this seal was pleasantly snoozing with one flipper raised skyward.
Unreliable advice informs us that seals may raise their flippers towards the sun to warm the blood flowing through the web of capillaries close to the skin's surface
This seal was easily the highlight in what was otherwise a rather dull grey day at sea. Other notable events included Tony paddling through a zone of "boiling" water near the Sphinxes and pulling in a salmon, and Luke doing an upside-down inspection of the reef at Fairy Bower after getting side-on to a breaking wave.
From the Heads to Long Reef and back (with short stops at Butter Box and Shelly Beach) we covered 18.4 nautical miles / 34.07 kilometers.