Let's take a quick look at the ancient history of paddling on Sydney Harbour. These few images sketch out the role that paddle craft served in the indigenous communities which inhabited Sydney Harbour preceeding British settlement.
It's interesting to see that on-board fires were apparently a common feature of the indigenous marine vessel. A nice way to keep the toes warm in winter and handy for cooking up the catch before getting home.

Canoes were used for travelling around the Harbour and its tributaries as well as out beyond the Harbour heads. Small bark paddles, called goinnia or narowang were about 60 - 90 cm long and were used to propel the canoes.
The canoes ranged in length from 2.5 - 6 m.
Canoes were an essential part of fishing, particularly for women who sat in them to fish, using hooks and lines.
Men either stood up in the canoes to throw fizz-gigs (spears) or laid across the canoes so they could see into the water.
A small fire was kept alight on a bed of clay or seaweed in the canoes. This kept everyone warm during cold weather and enabled them to cook fish while in the canoe.
No bark canoes from the Sydney region survive."
(Source: Australian Museum)

"The canoes in which they fish are as despicable as their huts, being nothing more than a large piece of bark tied up at both ends with vines. Their dexterous management of them, added to the swiftness with which they paddle and the boldness that leads them several miles in the open sea, are, nevertheless, highly deserving of admiration. A canoe is seldom seen without a fire in it, to dress the fish by as soon as caught." ( Captain Watkin Tench, 1788 )
Kayaking accoutrements.